Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chek Jawa(Sneha and Izzah)

At first,we thought that Chek Jawa was in Indonesia.We also thought that it was just like any other swamp.Then,we did a virtual tour and its not like we expected.It turned out to be a very beautiful marine park and its not even in Indonesia.Its in Pulau Ubin.

Chek Jawa is beautiful with scenic landscapes and beautiful marine wildlife.Chek Jawa has a total collection of six distinct habitats:the coastal forest,mangroves,sand bars,sea grass lagoon,rocky shore and coral rubble.Chek Jawa has lots of marine wildlife such as fishes,crabs,sea pens,corals,octopi,sea horses,peacock anemones a difernt types and varieties of sea creatures.

The most beautiful and fascinating sea creature that both of us think is the sea pen its remarkable features really looks as if its a pen.An ink pen that were used last time in the olden days.The other fascintaing creature that we found is the sea sponges. It comes in an array of differnt colours.Every colour in the spectrum.

We both learnt that sea sponges do not have any body systems in them.They do not have any nervous,digestive or ciculatory systems.
We also learnt that there is a constant water flow through its body to remove wastes and to retrieve food and oxygen.

We both learnt a lot through this virtual tour.We gained a lot of knowledge with seeing and learning more and gain a lot of information of sea creatures that never in our life before we have seen.Creatures that are very exotic and rare.Creatures that can never be seen in any ordinary sea,in any park or beach.


Any fool can criticize condemn and complain-and most fools do . But it takes character and self-control to be understanding& forgiving,

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